The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.1 version.



OTA (Over The Air) is a method for remotely updating device firmware or software through wireless communication technology.

Feature List

  1. Full Update: Download and install the complete firmware on the device.

  2. Compressed Update: Reduce the size of the update package through XZ compression technology, saving storage space, improving download success rate, and decreasing upgrade time and data usage.

OTA Feature Overview

The OTA upgrade mechanism allows the device to self-update by receiving data (e.g., via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) during normal firmware operation. When using OTA, you need to configure the device’s partition table and choose a partition table with OTA support or a custom OTA partition table.

Once the OTA feature is activated, the downloaded update package will be stored in the app_ota partition, awaiting decompression and firmware upgrade by the bootloader after the device restarts.

OTA Upgrade Configuration

Firmware Partition Configuration

By default, there is only one OTA partition. Please refer to the partition table for settings. During the OTA upgrade process, the new firmware will be stored in the app_ota partition. After the firmware download is complete, it will be decompressed and upgraded. The default OTA partition table configuration is as follows:

# name,          offset,    size,      flag
ft,              0x0,       0x2000,    0x0
bootloader,      0x2000,    0xC000,    0x0
partition_table, 0xE000,    0x1000,    0x0
app,             0xF000,    0x122000,  0x0
app_ota,         0x131000,  0xAF000,   0x0
user,            0x1E0000,  0x2000,    0x0
nvs,             0x1F0000,  0x8000,    0x0


The conservative compression rate of XZ algorithm binary files is about 40%, so it is recommended that the size of the app_ota partition be configured to be ≤ 60% of the app partition. An overly small app partition will result in insufficient space to store the decompressed firmware.

Bootloader Configuration

The Bootloader runs when the device starts up and is responsible for decompressing OTA upgrade files and performing firmware updates. When burning the firmware, the Bootloader will be automatically written to the Flash.

Firmware Package Configuration

Use the developer tool to compile the latest firmware file (.img file), then upload the compiled firmware file to the OTA server or a network-accessible storage location (such as FTP server, HTTP server, etc.). There are two types of generated OTA img files, as shown in the table below:




Full update package


Compressed update package

During the download process, the device will perform data verification (such as signature and checksum) to ensure data integrity and security. After the download is complete, the device will verify the integrity and authenticity of the firmware package before starting the installation.

Introduction to OTA Header Format

Struct Member


uint32_t magic_no

Magic number for identifying OTA firmware

wm_img_attr_t img_attr

Bit field of firmware attributes

uint32_t img_addr

Address of the executable firmware

uint32_t img_len

Length of the binary firmware

uint32_t img_header_addr

Address of the image header

uint32_t upgrade_img_addr

Address of the upgrade image

uint32_t org_checksum

Original checksum of the firmware

uint32_t upd_no

Update version tracking number

unsigned char ver[16]

Version string, 16 bytes long

uint32_t log_level : 3

Log level

uint32_t skip_esc_check : 1

Skip escape check

uint32_t skip_upgrade_check : 1

Skip upgrade check

uint32_t skip_integrity_check : 1

Skip firmware integrity check

uint32_t _reserved0 : 26

Reserved for future use

uint32_t _reserved1

Reserved for future use

struct wm_ota_header_t *next

Pointer to the next OTA header

Network Communication Configuration

During the OTA upgrade process, you need to connect to a WiFi network to communicate with the OTA server. Firmware files are downloaded from the server using protocols such as HTTP. During the download process, the device will perform data verification (such as signature and checksum) to ensure data integrity and security. If not connected to the network, the OTA request will directly return a failure. OTA will resume transmission upon network timeout until the upgrade is completed or the timeout period CONFIG_OTA_RETRY_TIMEOUT is reached; for non-network timeout errors, it will fail directly without retrying.

Main Features

Full Update

1. Starting Conditions

  • Configure the OTA partition table: The device’s partition table needs to be configured to support the OTA format.

  • The device connected to the network: The device must be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi.

  • The OTA server accessible: The device can access the configured OTA server (supporting HTTP, FTP, etc.).

  • Firmware version verification: The xxxx.img file can be normally verified as a full update file to decide whether an upgrade is needed.

2. Related Sequence API

  • Open the project configuration menu menuconfig to configure the partition table that supports OTA

  • Call wm_wifi_init() to initialize WiFi

  • Use wm_wifi_set_config() to configure WiFi parameters

  • Use wm_wifi_connect() to connect to WiFi

  • Call wm_ota_http_update() to perform OTA upgrades.

3. Result

  • OTA full update successful

Compressed Update

1. Starting Conditions

  • Configure the OTA partition table: The device’s partition table needs to be configured to support the OTA format.

  • The device is connected to the network: The device must be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

  • The OTA server is accessible: The device can access the configured OTA server (supporting HTTP, FTP, etc.).

  • Firmware version verification: The xxxx_ota.img can be normally verified as a compressed upgrade file to determine if an upgrade is needed.

2. Related Sequence API

  • Open the project configuration menu menuconfig to configure the OTA-supported partition table.

  • Call wm_wifi_init() to initialize WiFi

  • Use wm_wifi_set_config() to configure WiFi parameters

  • Use wm_wifi_connect() to connect to WiFi

  • Call wm_ota_http_update() for OTA upgrade

3. Result

  • OTA compressed update successful


  • Ensure that the size of the firmware file does not exceed the available storage space limit of the OTA partition.

  • During the OTA upgrade, maintain a stable network connection to avoid upgrade failure.

  • During the OTA upgrade, do not disconnect the power to avoid upgrade failure.

Application Example

For basic OTA examples, please refer to examples/ota

API Reference

For OTA-related APIs, please refer to:

OTA_OPS API Reference and OTA_HTTP API Reference

OTA’s meunconfig configuration

The main configurations are as follows:

Configuration Name

Config Discriptors

Default Values


Whether to enable OTA components



Whether to enable OTA HTTP



Configure the OTA block size



The retry timeout period is specified



The number of ota socket reconnections was set