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CLI (Command Line Interface) is a method for interacting with devices or chips through a command line interface. Users can execute various operations by entering specific commands.

Basic Principle

The core of WM_CLI is the open-source project Letter-shell. Letter-shell is a shell written in C language that can be embedded in programs and called by the command lines to run functions within the program. Its main functions include:

  • Support for tab key auto-completion;

  • Support for help to display command usage;

  • Command handling functions similar to Linux command line functions;

  • Easy to add and place anywhere;

  • Support for feature and partial command trimming.

  • Support for selecting any serial port (default UART0, baud rate 115200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control)

Defining CLI Commands

A command is defined using WM_CLI_CMD_DEFINE , with the following usag:

WM_CLI_CMD_DEFINE(cmd, handler, description, usage)

Where cmd is the command name, handler is the command handling function, description is the command description, and usage is the detailed explanation of the command. To reduce firmware size, the usage feature can be disabled by menuconfig.

To output information in the command processing function handler , use the function int wm_cli_printf(const char *fmt, ...) , which has the same usage as the printf function.

Usage Example

Adding a command named test:

static void cmd_test(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* do somethings... */

WM_CLI_CMD_DEFINE(test, cmd_test, Display test information, test -- Display test information)

Its processing function is cmd_test. Executing the help``command will display its ``description as Display test information, and executing help test command will show its detailed usage as test – Display test information. In the handler function, argc represents the number of arguments, and argv is an array of argument pointers, pointing to the argument strings passed to the function. For example, argv[0] is the command name, argv[1] is the first argument, and argv[2] is the second argument.

Introduction to Use

After entering a command, press the Enter key to execute it, the Backspace key to delete characters, the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to change the cursor position, and the up and down arrow keys to select historical commands. After entering the first character of a command, press the Tab key for autocompletion, or press the Tab key directly to display all CLI commands.

Currently, CLI only supports basic characters, numbers, Enter, Backspace, and arrow keys, and does not support special functions and combination keys such as ctrl + c.

When encountering unfamiliar commands, you can view help in the following ways: Enter help and press Enter to display all commands along with their brief help information. - Enter help and press Enter to display all commands along with their brief help information. - Enter help command and press Enter to display the detailed help information for the command command, which can be tailored. - View the help parameters provided by the command itself, such as command --helpcommand -hcommand help, which are provided by the specific command.

To use CLI, you must choose a serial port tool that supports shell terminal functionality, such as PuTTYXSHELLSecureCRT .


Tools like sscom and xcom, which are commonly used in embedded systems, do not support full shell terminal features,so using them will not fully experience CLI features. This also includes Upgrade Tools、VS Code and Serial Monitor plugins installed in VS Code.

Using PuTTY as an example,

To directly open a serial port, you can follow these steps:

Using PuTTY to Open Serial Port

First, save a serial port configuration, then load it to open the serial port for use:

Using PuTTY to Save Serial Port Configuration
Using PuTTY to Load Serial Port Configuration

The effect of opening a serial port is as follows:

Using PuTTY to Operate the Serial Port

CLI meunconfig configuration

The main configurations are as follows:

Configuration Name

Config Discriptors

Default Values


Whether to enable the CLI component



Configure the single-line input size



This section describes how to configure the number of CLI input parameters



The number of historical commands was set



Configure a CLI port
