The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.1 version.

Heap Memory Management


The heap is an area for dynamic memory allocation, used to store memory space allocated dynamically during program execution.

Heap Memory

Difference Between Stack and Heap

WM IoT SDK applications utilize the common computer architecture paradigm: Memory dynamically allocated by the program control flow (i.e., the stack), Memory dynamically allocated by function calls (i.e., the heap), and static memory allocated at during compilation.

Since the WM IoT SDK operates in a multithreaded RTOS environment, each RTOS task has its own stack, which is allocated from the heap by default when the task is created.

The W800 incorporates multiple types of RAM:

  • SRAM

  • DRAM


A memory allocator based on attributes allows applications to allocate heap memory for different purposes.

In most cases, heap allocation can be achieved directly using the standard C library functions malloc() and free() . To make full use of the various types of memory and their characteristics, the WM IoT SDK also includes an attribute-based heap memory allocator. To allocate memory with specific attributes, use:


Memory Attributes

When programming, the following attributes are provided:

-WM_HEAP_CAP_DEFAULT, the default attribute, indicating that the memory of this type does not care about its source when in use and may be one of SRAM, DRAM, or PSRAM.

-WM_HEAP_CAP_INTERNAL, on-chip memory, indicating that the memory of this type can only be on-chip memory when in use and may be one of SRAM and DRAM.

-WM_HEAP_CAP_SPIRAM, off-chip memory, indicating that the memory of this type can only be PSRAM when in use.

-WM_HEAP_CAP_EXEC, executable memory, indicating that the memory of this type can only be SRAM when in use.

-WM_HEAP_CAP_SHARED, memory that can be shared with high-speed peripherals, indicating that the memory of this type can only be DRAM when in use.

When the requested memory with specific attributes is insufficient, wm_heap_caps_alloc will return NULL

To get the remaining space size of all RAM heaps, call:


When calling malloc(), the WM IoT SDK internally calls the wm_heap_caps_alloc function, using the attribute WM_HEAP_CAP_DEFAULT to allocate memory. Memory reallocation calls the wm_heap_caps_realloc function.

Allocated memory can be freed by calling the wm_heap_caps_free function.

To display heap memory statistics, call the wm_heap_print_stats function.For debugging, display heap memory allocation information by calling the wm_heap_print_tracing function.

The current heap memory allocation algorithm adopts the FreeRTOS heap4 scheme, where all memory allocated from the heap is 8-byte aligned. When memory is freed, adjacent free blocks are automatically merged, providing a certain level of memory fragmentation management capability.

RAM Description

The W800’s memory is divided into three blocks: 160 Kbyte SRAM, 128 Kbyte DRAM, and up to 8M PSRAM:

Memory Block


Starting Address

Ending Address



160 Kbyte






128 Kbyte






<=8 Mbyte







  • To allocate only 160KB of SRAM, call wm_heap_caps_alloc(size, WM_HEAP_CAP_EXEC).

  • To allocate only 128KB of DRAM, call wm_heap_caps_alloc(size, WM_HEAP_CAP_SHARED).

  • To allocate only PSRAM, call wm_heap_caps_alloc(size, WM_HEAP_CAP_SPIRAM).

  • To allocate only on-chip memory, call wm_heap_caps_alloc(size, WM_HEAP_CAP_INTERNAL).

  • If you do not care where the memory is allocated from, call wm_heap_caps_alloc(size, WM_HEAP_CAP_DEFAULT), which has the same effect as using malloc.

  • When memory is insufficient, calling any of the above allocation interfaces will return NULL to indicate allocation failure.

  • The HEAP management provided by the WM IOT SDK is similar to heap_4 provided by FreeRTOS, equipped with a memory fragmentation recovery mechanism. However, when memory blocks of different sizes are frequently allocated and released, memory fragmentation may still occur.

  • On the W80X platform, the memory attribute of pSRAM cannot be declared as WM_HEAP_CAP_DEFAULT. The reason is that simultaneous access by the CPU and DMA will cause a bus conflict, which will further lead to a system crash. For the specific usage of pSRAM, please refer to pSRAM.

Meunconfig configuration of heap memory

The main configurations are as follows:

Configuration Name

Config Discriptors

Default Values


Whether to enable heap assertion checking



Whether to enable the heap allocation record debugging function