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Error Codes


Error codes are standardized codes used to indicate the reason for a specific function or operation failure. By defining these error codes, a program can more precisely report issues and respond accordingly. These error codes are typically categorized and assigned based on different modules, operations, and types of errors.


Error codes are defined in different categories:

1. General Error Codes

These error codes may reflect general errors in the program, such as out of memory (WM_ERR_NO_MEM), invalid parameters (WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM), and so on. Using these error codes helps to identify and handle common error situations.

General error codes are defined as macros in the form WM_ERR_xxx , where xxx is the specific value of the error code. For example, an error code indicating an out of memory condition can be represented by WM_ERR_NO_MEM .

The specific definitions in wm_error.h are as follows:

#define WM_ERR_SUCCESS          0
#define WM_ERR_FAILED           -1
#define WM_ERR_NO_MEM           -2
#define WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM    -3
#define WM_ERR_BUSY             -4
#define WM_ERR_TIMEOUT          -5
#define WM_ERR_NO_SUPPORT       -6
#define WM_ERR_NO_INITED        -7
#define WM_ERR_NOT_FOUND        -8
#define WM_ERR_NOT_ALLOWED      -9

The table below describes the meaning of each general error code:

Error Code



Operation successful


Operation failed


Out of memory


Invalid parameter


Operation busy


Operation timeout


Operation not supported


Not initialized


Not found


Not allowed to operate

2. Module Error Codes

Each module defines its own error codes.

The base address for the module’s error codes will be defined in wm_error.h .

The definitions in wm_error.h are as follows:

#define WM_ERR_XXX_BASE    -4000

WM_ERR_XXX_BASE represents the base address of error codes for the XXX module.

Specific error codes for the module should be defined in the module API, such as defining specific error codes for the XXX module in WM_XXX.h.

#define WM_ERR_XXX_xxx    (WM_ERR_XXX_BASE -1)

WM_ERR_XXX_xxx represents a specific error code for the XXX module.