这个页面的 最新开发版本 可能比这个发布的 2.3-beta.2 版本新。


大组合数据客户端模型是 Bluetooth Mesh 规范定义的基础模型。该模型是可选的,并通过 CONFIG_BT_MESH_LARGE_COMP_DATA_CLI 选项启用。

大合成数据客户端模型在 Bluetooth Mesh 协议规范版本1.1中引入,支持读取不适合配置合成数据状态消息的合成数据页面,以及读取支持 大型组合数据服务器 模型的节点上模型实例的元数据的功能。



API 参考

group bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli



Large Composition Data Client model Composition Data entry.



int bt_mesh_large_comp_data_get(uint16_t net_idx, uint16_t addr, uint8_t page, size_t offset, struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp *rsp)

Send Large Composition Data Get message.

This API is used to read a portion of a Composition Data Page.

This API can be used asynchronously by setting rsp as NULL. This way, the method will not wait for a response and will return immediately after sending the command.

When rsp is set, the user is responsible for providing a buffer for the Composition Data in bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp::data. If a buffer is not provided, the metadata won’t be copied.

  • net_idx – Network index to encrypt with.

  • addr – Target node element address.

  • page – Composition Data Page to read.

  • offset – Offset within the Composition Data Page.

  • rsp – Pointer to a struct storing the received response from the server, or NULL to not wait for a response.


0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

int bt_mesh_models_metadata_get(uint16_t net_idx, uint16_t addr, uint8_t page, size_t offset, struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp *rsp)

Send Models Metadata Get message.

This API is used to read a portion of a Models Metadata Page.

This API can be used asynchronously by setting rsp as NULL. This way, the method will not wait for a response and will return immediately after sending the command.

When rsp is set, a user is responsible for providing a buffer for metadata in bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp::data. If a buffer is not provided, the metadata won’t be copied.

  • net_idx – Network index to encrypt with.

  • addr – Target node element address.

  • page – Models Metadata Page to read.

  • offset – Offset within the Models Metadata Page.

  • rsp – Pointer to a struct storing the received response from the server, or NULL to not wait for a response.


0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp

Large Composition Data response.

Public Members

uint8_t page

Page number.

uint16_t offset

Offset within the page.

uint16_t total_size

Total size of the page.

struct net_buf_simple *data

Pointer to allocated buffer for storing received data.

struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli_cb

Large Composition Data Status messages callbacks

Public Members

void (*large_comp_data_status)(struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli *cli, uint16_t addr, struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp *rsp)

Optional callback for Large Composition Data Status message.

Handles received Large Composition Data Status messages from a Large Composition Data Server.

If the content of rsp is needed after exiting this callback, a user should deep copy it.

Param cli:

Large Composition Data Client context.

Param addr:

Address of the sender.

Param rsp:

Response received from the server.

void (*models_metadata_status)(struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli *cli, uint16_t addr, struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_rsp *rsp)

Optional callback for Models Metadata Status message.

Handles received Models Metadata Status messages from a Large Composition Data Server.

If the content of rsp is needed after exiting this callback, a user should deep copy it.

Param cli:

Large Composition Data Client context.

Param addr:

Address of the sender.

Param rsp:

Response received from the server.

struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli

Large Composition Data Client model context

Public Members

struct bt_mesh_model *model

Model entry pointer.

struct bt_mesh_msg_ack_ctx ack_ctx

Internal parameters for tracking message responses.

const struct bt_mesh_large_comp_data_cli_cb *cb

Optional callback for Large Composition Data Status messages.