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核心提供管理通用蓝牙 Mesh 的功能状态。


低功耗节点(LPN)角色允许电池供电的设备作为叶节点参与网状网络。 LPN 通过 Friend 节点与网状网络交互,Friend 负责中继定向到 LPN 的任何消息。 LPN 通过保持其无线电关闭来节省电力,并且仅在发送消息或轮询 Friend 节点以获取任何传入消息时唤醒。

无线控制和轮询由网格堆栈自动管理,但 LPN API 允许应用程序通过 bt_mesh_LPN_poll() 随时触发轮询。LPN 操作参数,包括轮询间隔、轮询事件时序和 Friend 要求,通过 CONFIG_BT_MESH_LOW_POWER 选项和相关配置选项进行控制。

将 LPN 功能用于日志记录时,强烈建议仅使用 CONFIG_LOG_MODE_DEFERRED 选项。除 Deferred 之外的日志模式可能会在处理日志消息期间导致意外的延迟。这将影响接收延迟和接收窗口的调度,相同的限制适用于 CONFIG_BT_MESH_FRIEND 选项。

Replay 保护列表

Replay Protection List(RPL)用于保存最近从网状网络中的元素接收的序列号,以执行针对重播攻击的保护。

为了在重新启动后保护节点免受重播攻击,它需要在断电之前将整个 RPL 存储在持久性存储中。根据网状网络中的流量,存储最近看到的序列号可能会使闪存迟早磨损。要减轻这种情况,可以使用 CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT 。此选项推迟在持久存储中存储 RPL 条目。

然而,该选项并不能完全解决问题,因为节点可能会在触发存储 RPL 的计时器之前关闭电源。确保消息不能重放,节点可以通过调用 bt_mesh_RPL_pending_store() 随时(或在断电之前的足够时间)启动挂起 RPL 条目的存储。这由节点决定,在这种情况下存储哪些 RPL 条目。

CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT 设置为-1允许完全关闭计时器,这有助于显著减少闪存磨损。这将存储 RPL 的责任转移到用户应用程序,并要求从调用此 API 到将所有 RPL 条目写入闪存为止有足够的电源备份。

找到正确的平衡 在 CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT 和调用 bt_mesh_rpl_pending_store() 可能会降低安全风险漏洞和闪存磨损。


网格堆栈使用 Settings Subsystem 来持久存储设备配置。当堆栈配置更改并且需要持久存储更改时,堆栈调度工作项。调度工作项和将其提交到工作队列之间的延迟由 CONFIG_BT_MESH_STORE_TIMEOUT 选项定义。一旦计划了数据的存储,就不能重新计划它,直到工作项被处理。在某些情况下例外,如下所述。

当必须存储 IV 索引、序列号或 CDB 配置时,工作项将毫不延迟地提交到工作队列。如果工作项以前被调度,则它将被重新调度,而不会延迟。

Replay 保护列表使用相同的工作项来存储 RPL 条目。如果请求存储 RPL 条目,并且没有等待存储的其他配置,则延迟设置为 CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT 。 如果必须存储其他堆栈配置,则延迟由 CONFIG_BT_MESH_STORE_TIMEOUT 选项小于 CONFIG_BT_MESH_RPL_STORE_TIMEOUT ,工作项为由 Replay 保护列表计划,则将重新计划工作项。

当工作项正在运行时,堆栈将存储所有挂起的配置,包括 RPL 条目。


CONFIG_BT_MESH_SETTINGS_WORKQ 选项配置从中执行工作项的上下文。此选项由启用默认,并导致使用专用协作线程进行堆栈处理工作项。这允许堆栈在存储堆栈配置时处理其他传入和传出消息,以及提交到系统工作队列的其他工作项。



所有网格堆栈承载器都使用 BT_ID_DEFAULT 局部标识播发数据。该值在网格堆栈实现中预设。当 Bluetooth®Low Energy(LE)和 Bluetooth Mesh 在同一设备上共存时,应用程序应在开始通信之前分配和配置另一个本地标识以用于蓝牙 LE。

API 参考

group bt_mesh

Bluetooth mesh.



Primary Network Key index


Relay feature


GATT Proxy feature


Friend feature


Low Power Node feature


Supported heartbeat publication features


Register a callback structure for Friendship events.

  • _name – Name of callback structure.


Register a callback structure for Friendship events.

Registers a callback structure that will be called whenever Friendship gets established or terminated.

  • _name – Name of callback structure.


int bt_mesh_init(const struct bt_mesh_prov *prov, const struct bt_mesh_comp *comp)

Initialize Mesh support.

After calling this API, the node will not automatically advertise as unprovisioned, rather the bt_mesh_prov_enable() API needs to be called to enable unprovisioned advertising on one or more provisioning bearers.

  • prov – Node provisioning information.

  • comp – Node Composition.


Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

void bt_mesh_reset(void)

Reset the state of the local Mesh node.

Resets the state of the node, which means that it needs to be reprovisioned to become an active node in a Mesh network again.

After calling this API, the node will not automatically advertise as unprovisioned, rather the bt_mesh_prov_enable() API needs to be called to enable unprovisioned advertising on one or more provisioning bearers.

int bt_mesh_suspend(void)

Suspend the Mesh network temporarily.

This API can be used for power saving purposes, but the user should be aware that leaving the local node suspended for a long period of time may cause it to become permanently disconnected from the Mesh network. If at all possible, the Friendship feature should be used instead, to make the node into a Low Power Node.


0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

int bt_mesh_resume(void)

Resume a suspended Mesh network.

This API resumes the local node, after it has been suspended using the bt_mesh_suspend() API.


0 on success, or (negative) error code on failure.

void bt_mesh_iv_update_test(bool enable)

Toggle the IV Update test mode.

This API is only available if the IV Update test mode has been enabled in Kconfig. It is needed for passing most of the IV Update qualification test cases.


enable – true to enable IV Update test mode, false to disable it.

bool bt_mesh_iv_update(void)

Toggle the IV Update state.

This API is only available if the IV Update test mode has been enabled in Kconfig. It is needed for passing most of the IV Update qualification test cases.


true if IV Update In Progress state was entered, false otherwise.

int bt_mesh_lpn_set(bool enable)

Toggle the Low Power feature of the local device.

Enables or disables the Low Power feature of the local device. This is exposed as a run-time feature, since the device might want to change this e.g. based on being plugged into a stable power source or running from a battery power source.


enable – true to enable LPN functionality, false to disable it.


Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

int bt_mesh_lpn_poll(void)

Send out a Friend Poll message.

Send a Friend Poll message to the Friend of this node. If there is no established Friendship the function will return an error.


Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

int bt_mesh_friend_terminate(uint16_t lpn_addr)

Terminate Friendship.

Terminated Friendship for given LPN.


lpn_addr – Low Power Node address.


Zero on success or (negative) error code otherwise.

void bt_mesh_rpl_pending_store(uint16_t addr)

Store pending RPL entry(ies) in the persistent storage.

This API allows the user to store pending RPL entry(ies) in the persistent storage without waiting for the timeout.


When flash is used as the persistent storage, calling this API too frequently may wear it out.


addr – Address of the node which RPL entry needs to be stored or BT_MESH_ADDR_ALL_NODES to store all pending RPL entries.

const uint8_t *bt_mesh_va_uuid_get(uint16_t addr, const uint8_t *uuid, uint16_t *retaddr)

Iterate stored Label UUIDs.

When addr is BT_MESH_ADDR_UNASSIGNED, this function iterates over all available addresses starting with uuid. In this case, use retaddr to get virtual address representation of the returned Label UUID. When addr is a virtual address, this function returns next Label UUID corresponding to the addr. When uuid is NULL, this function returns the first available UUID. If uuid is previously returned uuid, this function returns following uuid.

  • addr – Virtual address to search for, or BT_MESH_ADDR_UNASSIGNED.

  • uuid – Pointer to the previously returned Label UUID or NULL.

  • retaddr – Pointer to a memory where virtual address representation of the returning UUID is to be stored to.


Pointer to Label UUID, or NULL if no more entries found.

struct bt_mesh_lpn_cb

Low Power Node callback functions.

struct bt_mesh_friend_cb

Friend Node callback functions.