这个页面的 最新开发版本 可能比这个发布的 2.3-beta.1 版本新。


void wm_system_reboot(void)

system reboot

This function reboot the system.

int wm_set_cpu_usage_duration(uint32_t time_ms)

This function to set cpu usage duration.


time_ms[in] : The time of being counted, if 0, the statistical time will be calculated from the last time it was not 0


  • WM_ERR_SUCCESS on success

  • other failed

int wm_hex_str_to_array(const char *str, uint8_t array[], int array_len)

Converts the hex string to a byte array.

  • str[in] hex string

  • array[out] hex array

  • array_len[in] hex array length


  • WM_ERR_SUCCESS on success

  • other failed

int wm_hex2byte(const char hex[2])

convert double hex character to byte


hex[in] double hex character


  • >= 0 : the result convert by character

  • -1 : fail

int wm_atohex(char ch)

convert hex character to integer


ch[in] hex character


  • >= 0 : the result convert by character

  • -1 : fail

int wm_atoi(const char *s, int *err)

convert string to integer

  • s[in] the string to be checked

  • err[out] error, 0: no error, 1: has error


  • integer : the result convert by string

uint8_t wm_get_crc8(uint8_t *ptr, uint32_t len)

calculate crc8

  • ptr[in] A pointer to the data buffer to compute the CRC

  • len[in] The length of the data buffer in bytes


  • true : exist double quotation marks

  • false : not exist double quotation marks

bool wm_isstr(const char *str)

Check whether there are double quotation marks at both ends of the string.


str[in] the string to be checked


  • true : exist double quotation marks

  • false : not exist double quotation marks

int wm_str2int(const char *str, int *value)

transfer a num string to int value

  • str[in] the string indicates a hex value or digital value

  • value[out] the pointer indicates digital value


  • true : translate success

  • false : translate failure

bool wm_isnumstr(const char *str)

Check the string is a valid hex string or digital string.


str[in] the string to be checked


  • true : is a string indicates a hex value or digital value

  • false : is not a hex value or digital value

bool wm_isdigitstr(const char *str)

Check the string is a valid digital string.


str[in] the string to be checked


  • true : is a digital string

  • false : is not a digital string

bool wm_isdecimalstr(const char *str)

Check the string is a valid decimal string.


str[in] the string to be checked


  • true : is a decimal string

  • false : is not a decimal string

bool wm_ishexstr(const char *str)

Check the string is a valid hex string.


str[in] the string to be checked


  • true : is a hex string

  • false : is not a hex string

void wm_remove_quotation_mark(int argc, char **argv)

Remove double quotes at both ends of the args.

  • argc[in] Number of arguments

  • argv[inout] the arguments array

int wm_data_align_parser(uint8_t *addr, int32_t size, wm_data_align_t table[3])

Segments the data buffer based on 4-byte alignment requirements.

This function aligns the buffer’s starting address and length to 4-byte boundaries. It categorizes the buffer into segments suitable for DMA and CPU transfers accordingly.

Example B: Input addr=0x10000001, size=103

  • The output table will be:

    • table[0]: flag=2 (CPU), addr=0x10000001, size=3 (first 3 bytes for CPU transfer)

    • table[1]: flag=1 (DMA), addr=0x10000004, size=100 (next 100 bytes for DMA transfer)

    • table[2]: flag=0 (Invalid), addr=NULL, size=0

Example C: Input addr=0x10000002, size=103

  • The output table will be:

    • table[0]: flag=2 (CPU), addr=0x10000002, size=2 (first 2 bytes for CPU transfer)

    • table[1]: flag=1 (DMA), addr=0x10000004, size=100 (next 100 bytes for DMA transfer)

    • table[2]: flag=2 (CPU), addr=0x10000108, size=1 (last 1 byte for CPU transfer)


The `table` must have exactly 3 elements to accommodate the maximum of three segments:

  • The first segment for CPU transfer (if necessary).

  • The second segment for DMA transfer.

  • The third segment for any remaining CPU transfer.


Examples: Example A: Input addr=0x10000000, size=103

  • The output table will be:

    • table[0]: flag=1 (DMA), addr=0x10000004, size=100 (100 bytes for DMA transfer)

    • table[1]: flag=2 (CPU), addr=0x10000104, size=3 (remaining 3 bytes for CPU transfer)

    • table[2]: flag=0 (Invalid), addr=NULL, size=0

  • addr[in] The pointer to the source address of the data buffer.

  • size[in] The total size of the data to be transferred.

  • table[inout] The pointer to the table where the alignment information will be stored. The table must have exactly 3 elements.


WM_ERR_SUCCESS on success, or an error code on failure.

void *memrchr(const void *s, int c, size_t n)

The following API prototypes are same with libc, but they are not in the libc library on W80X platform, so they are implemented in wm_utils.c.

char *strdup(const char *s)
int strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
int strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
size_t strlcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len)
size_t strnlen(const char *s, size_t maxlen)
time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr)

Convert struct tm to seconds since 1970.


timeptr[in] struct tm pointer, including year, month, day, hour, minute, second and etc.


  • The number of seconds since 1970.

struct tm *localtime(const time_t *tim_p)

Convert seconds since 1970 to struct tm.


tim_p[in] pointer of seconds since 1970.


  • NULL: Failed

  • others: struct tm pointer

int settimeofday(const struct timeval *tv, const struct timezone *tz)

Set time and date.

  • tv[in] Pointer of struct timeval, include seconds and microseconds since 1970.

  • tz[in] Time zone related information has been discarded


  • 0: success

  • others: failure

int setenv(const char *name, const char *value, int overwrite)

Set environment variable.

  • name[in] Name of the variable.

  • value[in] Value to set to the variable

  • overwrite[in] Whether existing variable should be overwritten


  • 0: success

  • others: failure

int wm_sys_get_mac_addr(wm_mac_type_t mac_type, uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t mac_addr_len)

Get the MAC address from storage according to the mac_type.

The main MAC address load flow in this api as follows: First, obtain the MAC address from NVStore according to the mac_type. Second, if the MAC in NVStore is invalid, try to get the raw MAC from FT region(from flash or OTP depending no the chip design). Third, since the FT region may only have two MAC addresses (WIFI mac, BT MAC), a coversion needs to be done according to the actual usage of STA, SoftAP and BT. Fouth, if the FT mac is invalid, use a default MAC address and then a conversion according to the actual usage of STA, SoftAP, and BT.


This is a weak API that provides a reference design for MAC address management. It is allowed to replace this function with a new one in a user’s project according to their own MAC strategy. For example, implement the same function in main.c without needing to declare it again. The linker will use the new implementation.

  • mac_type[in] Indicates the type of the MAC address,refer to wm_mac_type_t

  • mac_addr[inout] A pointer to a MAC address buffer that represents a six-byte length hexadecimal value

  • mac_addr_len[in] The length of the MAC address buffer, which should always be equal to WM_MAC_ADDR_LEN


  • WM_ERR_SUCCESS: succeed

  • others: failed

int wm_sys_set_mac_addr(wm_mac_type_t mac_type, uint8_t *mac_addr, uint8_t mac_addr_len)

Set the MAC address into storage according to the mac_type.

The main MAC address store flow in this api as follows: First, write the MAC address to NVStore according to the mac_type. Second, if NVStore is not enabled, return direclty.


This is a weak API that provides a reference design for MAC address management. It is allowed to replace this function with a new one in a user’s project according to their own MAC strategy. For example, implement the same function in main.c without needing to declare it again. The linker will use the new implementation.

  • mac_type[in] Indicates the type of the MAC address,refer to wm_mac_type_t

  • mac_addr[in] A pointer to a MAC address buffer that represents a six-byte length hexadecimal value

  • mac_addr_len[in] The length of the MAC address buffer, which should always be equal to WM_MAC_ADDR_LEN


  • WM_ERR_SUCCESS: succeed

  • others: failed