Similar to the Peripheral sample, except that this application specifically exposes the HR (Heart Rate) GATT Service. Once a device connects it will generate dummy heart-rate values.
A board with BLE support
nRF Toolbox APP or nRF Connect
Building and Running
Example Location:examples/bluetooth/peripheral_hr
compile, burn, and more, see:Quick Start Guide
Operation Instructions Translation
Burn the firmware compiled from the peripheral_hr example onto the development board.
On your smartphone, run the nRF Toolbox application
Running Result
Successfully running will output the following logs
I/bt_smp [0.048] LE SC enabled
I/bt_hci_core [0.176] Identity: 28:6D:CE:01:02:03 (public)
I/bt_hci_core [0.182] HCI: version 4.2 (0x08) revision 0x0709, manufacturer 0x070c
I/bt_hci_core [0.190] LMP: version 4.2 (0x08) subver 0x0709
I/peripheral_hr [0.196] Bluetooth initialized
I/peripheral_hr [0.202] Advertising successfully started
Running nRF Toolbox, select HRM, then you will find WM Heartrate Sensor. Connect it and you will see the dummy heart-rate values on APP
Successfully running will output the following logs
[I] (42636) peripheral_hr: Connected
[I] (43862) bt: BAS Notifications enabled
[I] (43962) bt: HRS notifications enabled