This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.

Contributions Guide

Welcome to contributions to the WM IoT SDK project!

How to Contribute

We welcome contributions to WM IoT SDK, such as fixing issues, adding new features, and enhancing documentation. You can submit your contributions via Github Pull Requests.

Preparation Before Submission

Before submitting a Pull Request, please check the following points:

  • Is the contribution entirely your own work, or have you obtained an open-source license compatible with the Apache License 2.0? If not, we cannot accept the contribution.

  • Does the code documentation comply with the WM IoT SDK Style Guide coding style guidelines ?

  • Is the code sufficiently commented to help readers understand its structure?

  • Have you provided documentation or examples for the contributed code? To write good examples, please refer to the examples section.

  • Are the comments or documentation written in English and expressed clearly, without spelling or grammatical errors?

  • If you need to submit multiple contributions, have you grouped them according to the type of change (each pull request corresponds to one major change)? Have you squashed commits with similar names like “fixed typo” into previous commits ?

  • If you are unsure about any of the above, please submit the Pull Request and ask for feedback from us.

Pull Request Submission Process

After creating a Pull Request, there may be some discussion about the request in the PR comment section.

When the Pull Request is ready for merging, it will first be merged into our internal git system for internal automated testing.

After the testing process is passed, your contribution will be merged into the public GitHub repository.