

L2CAP 层支持面向连接的通道,可以使用配置选项 CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_DYNAMIC_CHANNEL 。 这个频道透明地支持分段和重组,它们也支持信用基于流控制,使其适合于数据流。

通道实例由 bt_l2cap_chan 结构表示,该结构包含要通知的: bt_l2cap_chan_ops 结构中的回调通道已连接、断开连接或加密已更改。 除此之外,它还包含调用的 recv 回调每当接收到传入数据时。 以这种方式接收的数据可以是通过返回0或使用将标记为已处理: bt_l2cap_chan_recv_complete() API(如果处理是异步的)。


recv 回调直接从 RX 线程调用,因此不建议长时间阻塞。

对于发送数据,可以使用 bt_l2cap_chan_send() API,注意 如果没有可用的学分,它可能会阻止,并在获得更多学分后立即恢复可用。

可以使用 bt_l2cap_server_register() API 传递来注册服务器 btl2cap_server 结构,通知它应该执行什么 psm 侦听、所需的安全级别 seclevel 和回调 accept ,调用它来授权传入的连接请求,并分配通道实例。

可以使用 bt_l2cap_chan_connect() 启动客户端通道 API,并且可以与 bt_l2cap_chan_disconnect() API 断开连接。 请注意,后者还可以断开服务器创建的通道实例。

API 参考

group bt_l2cap




L2CAP PDU header size, used for buffer size calculations


Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for an outgoing L2CAP PDU.


Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for an incoming L2CAP PDU.


Helper to calculate needed buffer size for L2CAP PDUs. Useful for creating buffer pools.

  • mtu – Needed L2CAP PDU MTU.


Needed buffer size to match the requested L2CAP PDU MTU.


L2CAP SDU header size, used for buffer size calculations


Maximum Transmission Unit for an unsegmented outgoing L2CAP SDU.

The Maximum Transmission Unit for an outgoing L2CAP SDU when sent without segmentation, i.e. a single L2CAP SDU will fit inside a single L2CAP PDU.

The MTU for outgoing L2CAP SDUs with segmentation is defined by the size of the application buffer pool.


Maximum Transmission Unit for an unsegmented incoming L2CAP SDU.

The Maximum Transmission Unit for an incoming L2CAP SDU when sent without segmentation, i.e. a single L2CAP SDU will fit inside a single L2CAP PDU.

The MTU for incoming L2CAP SDUs with segmentation is defined by the size of the application buffer pool. The application will have to define an alloc_buf callback for the channel in order to support receiving segmented L2CAP SDUs.


Helper to calculate needed buffer size for L2CAP SDUs. Useful for creating buffer pools.

  • mtu – Required BT_L2CAP_*_SDU.


Needed buffer size to match the requested L2CAP SDU MTU.


Helper macro getting container object of type bt_l2cap_le_chan address having the same container chan member address as object in question.


Address of in memory bt_l2cap_le_chan object type containing the address of in question object.


Headroom needed for outgoing L2CAP PDUs.


Headroom needed for outgoing L2CAP SDUs.


typedef void (*bt_l2cap_chan_destroy_t)(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan)

Channel destroy callback.

Param chan:

Channel object.

typedef enum bt_l2cap_chan_state bt_l2cap_chan_state_t

Life-span states of L2CAP CoC channel.

Used only by internal APIs dealing with setting channel to proper state depending on operational context.

A channel enters the BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state upon bt_l2cap_chan_connect, bt_l2cap_ecred_chan_connect or upon returning from bt_l2cap_server::accept.

When a channel leaves the BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state, bt_l2cap_chan_ops::connected is called.

typedef enum bt_l2cap_chan_status bt_l2cap_chan_status_t

Status of L2CAP channel.


enum bt_l2cap_chan_state

Life-span states of L2CAP CoC channel.

Used only by internal APIs dealing with setting channel to proper state depending on operational context.

A channel enters the BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state upon bt_l2cap_chan_connect, bt_l2cap_ecred_chan_connect or upon returning from bt_l2cap_server::accept.

When a channel leaves the BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state, bt_l2cap_chan_ops::connected is called.



Channel disconnected


Channel in connecting state

enumerator BT_L2CAP_CONFIG

Channel in config state, BR/EDR specific


Channel ready for upper layer traffic on it


Channel in disconnecting state

enum bt_l2cap_chan_status

Status of L2CAP channel.


enumerator BT_L2CAP_STATUS_OUT

Channel output status


Channel shutdown status.

Once this status is notified it means the channel will no longer be able to transmit or receive data.


Channel encryption pending status.

enumerator BT_L2CAP_NUM_STATUS


int bt_l2cap_server_register(struct bt_l2cap_server *server)

Register L2CAP server.

Register L2CAP server for a PSM, each new connection is authorized using the accept() callback which in case of success shall allocate the channel structure to be used by the new connection.

For fixed, SIG-assigned PSMs (in the range 0x0001-0x007f) the PSM should be assigned to server->psm before calling this API. For dynamic PSMs (in the range 0x0080-0x00ff) server->psm may be pre-set to a given value (this is however not recommended) or be left as 0, in which case upon return a newly allocated value will have been assigned to it. For dynamically allocated values the expectation is that it’s exposed through a GATT service, and that’s how L2CAP clients discover how to connect to the server.


server – Server structure.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_br_server_register(struct bt_l2cap_server *server)

Register L2CAP server on BR/EDR oriented connection.

Register L2CAP server for a PSM, each new connection is authorized using the accept() callback which in case of success shall allocate the channel structure to be used by the new connection.


server – Server structure.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_ecred_chan_connect(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan **chans, uint16_t psm)

Connect Enhanced Credit Based L2CAP channels.

Connect up to 5 L2CAP channels by PSM, once the connection is completed each channel connected() callback will be called. If the connection is rejected disconnected() callback is called instead.

  • conn – Connection object.

  • chans – Array of channel objects.

  • psm – Channel PSM to connect to.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_ecred_chan_reconfigure(struct bt_l2cap_chan **chans, uint16_t mtu)

Reconfigure Enhanced Credit Based L2CAP channels.

Reconfigure up to 5 L2CAP channels. Channels must be from the same bt_conn. Once reconfiguration is completed each channel reconfigured() callback will be called. MTU cannot be decreased on any of provided channels.

  • chans – Array of channel objects. Null-terminated. Elements after the first 5 are silently ignored.

  • mtu – Channel MTU to reconfigure to.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_chan_connect(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, uint16_t psm)

Connect L2CAP channel.

Connect L2CAP channel by PSM, once the connection is completed channel connected() callback will be called. If the connection is rejected disconnected() callback is called instead. Channel object passed (over an address of it) as second parameter shouldn’t be instantiated in application as standalone. Instead of, application should create transport dedicated L2CAP objects, i.e. type of bt_l2cap_le_chan for LE and/or type of bt_l2cap_br_chan for BR/EDR. Then pass to this API the location (address) of bt_l2cap_chan type object which is a member of both transport dedicated objects.

  • conn – Connection object.

  • chan – Channel object.

  • psm – Channel PSM to connect to.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_chan_disconnect(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan)

Disconnect L2CAP channel.

Disconnect L2CAP channel, if the connection is pending it will be canceled and as a result the channel disconnected() callback is called. Regarding to input parameter, to get details see reference description to bt_l2cap_chan_connect() API above.


chan – Channel object.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_chan_send(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, struct net_buf *buf)

Send data to L2CAP channel.

Send data from buffer to the channel. If credits are not available, buf will be queued and sent as and when credits are received from peer. Regarding to first input parameter, to get details see reference description to bt_l2cap_chan_connect() API above.

When sending L2CAP data over an BR/EDR connection the application is sending L2CAP PDUs. The application is required to have reserved BT_L2CAP_CHAN_SEND_RESERVE bytes in the buffer before sending. The application should use the BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE() helper to correctly size the buffers for the for the outgoing buffer pool.

When sending L2CAP data over an LE connection the application is sending L2CAP SDUs. The application can optionally reserve BT_L2CAP_SDU_CHAN_SEND_RESERVE bytes in the buffer before sending. By reserving bytes in the buffer the stack can use this buffer as a segment directly, otherwise it will have to allocate a new segment for the first segment. If the application is reserving the bytes it should use the BT_L2CAP_BUF_SIZE() helper to correctly size the buffers for the for the outgoing buffer pool. When segmenting an L2CAP SDU into L2CAP PDUs the stack will first attempt to allocate buffers from the original buffer pool of the L2CAP SDU before using the stacks own buffer pool.


Buffer ownership is transferred to the stack in case of success, in case of an error the caller retains the ownership of the buffer.


Bytes sent in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_chan_give_credits(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, uint16_t additional_credits)

Give credits to the remote.

Only available for channels using bt_l2cap_chan_ops.seg_recv. CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_SEG_RECV must be enabled to make this function available.

Each credit given allows the peer to send one segment.

This function depends on a valid chan object. Make sure to default-initialize or memset chan when allocating or reusing it for new connections.

Adding zero credits is not allowed.

Credits can be given before entering the BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state. Doing so will adjust the ‘initial credits’ sent in the connection PDU.

Must not be called while the channel is in BT_L2CAP_CONNECTING state.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

int bt_l2cap_chan_recv_complete(struct bt_l2cap_chan *chan, struct net_buf *buf)

Complete receiving L2CAP channel data.

Complete the reception of incoming data. This shall only be called if the channel recv callback has returned -EINPROGRESS to process some incoming data. The buffer shall contain the original user_data as that is used for storing the credits/segments used by the packet.

  • chan – Channel object.

  • buf – Buffer containing the data.


0 in case of success or negative value in case of error.

struct bt_l2cap_chan

L2CAP Channel structure.

struct bt_l2cap_le_endpoint

LE L2CAP Endpoint structure.

struct bt_l2cap_le_chan

LE L2CAP Channel structure.

struct bt_l2cap_br_endpoint

BREDR L2CAP Endpoint structure.

struct bt_l2cap_br_chan

BREDR L2CAP Channel structure.

struct bt_l2cap_chan_ops

L2CAP Channel operations structure.

struct bt_l2cap_server

L2CAP Server structure.