Firmware header size in binary: 64 bytes
Unknown new image size
Unknown size, incremental erase possible
enum wm_ota_ops_compress_type_t
No compression
xz compression
enum wm_ota_ops_err_t
enumerator WM_ERR_OTA_NO_INIT
Error: OTA not initialized
Error: Invalid OTA header
Error: Version unchanged
Error: CRC error in OTA data
Error: Firmware overflow during OTA
Error: Timeout occurred during OTA
enumerator WM_ERR_OTA_NO_GOT_IP
Error: No IP address obtained for OTA
Error: Connection failed for OTA
Error: OTA operation already running
enumerator WM_ERR_OTA_SHA256_ECDSA
Error: SHA256-ECDSA verification error
enumerator WM_ERR_OTA_NO_INIT
union wm_img_attr_t
Image attribute union.
This union allows access to image attributes either through individual bitfields or as a whole 32-bit unsigned integer. It includes flags for image type, encryption, private key selection, signature presence, zip type, PSRAM I/O, and reserved bits.
Public Members
uint32_t img_type
[3:0] Image type enumeration
uint32_t code_encrypt
[4] Indicates if the code in flash is encrypted
uint32_t prikey_sel
[7:5] Private key selection for encryption
uint32_t signature
[8] Presence of a 128-byte signature at the end of the image
uint32_t reserved_9
[15:9] Reserved for future use
uint32_t gzip_enable
[16] Enable gzip compression for the image
uint32_t psram_io
[17] PSRAM I/O configuration
uint32_t erase_block_en
[18] Flash erase block enable bit
uint32_t erase_always
[19] Flash erase always bit
uint32_t compress_type
[21:20] Compression algorithm type, 1:xz
uint32_t reserved_22
[31:22] Reserved for future use
struct wm_img_attr_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
uint32_t val
The raw value of the image attribute
uint32_t img_type
struct wm_ota_header_t
OTA Header structure.
The OTA Header structure contains various attributes and metadata required for Over-The-Air (OTA) update functionality. It includes image attributes, addresses, lengths, version strings, and checksums.
Public Members
uint32_t magic_no
Magic number to identify the OTA image
wm_img_attr_t img_attr
Bitfields for image attributes
uint32_t img_addr
Address where the image will be executed
uint32_t img_len
Length of the binary image in bytes
uint32_t img_header_addr
Address of the image header
uint32_t upgrade_img_addr
Address of the upgrade image
uint32_t org_checksum
Original checksum of the image for verification
uint32_t upd_no
Update number for version tracking
unsigned char ver[16]
Version string, 16 bytes long
struct wm_ota_header_t *next
Pointer to the next header for a possible linked list
uint32_t hd_checksum
Checksum of the header for integrity verification
uint32_t magic_no
struct wm_ota_ops_ctx_t
OTA Operations Context structure.
The `wm_ota_ops_ctx_t` structure holds the context information required for performing Over-The-Air (OTA) updates. It includes the application size, OTA addresses, flags indicating erase needs, OTA header, and CRC context for data integrity verification.
Public Members
uint32_t app_addr
Address of the application partition
uint32_t app_size
Size of the application partition
uint32_t app_ota_addr
Address in flash where the OTA image is stored
uint32_t app_ota_size
Size of the OTA partition
uint32_t need_erase
Flag indicating if the flash needs to be erased before writing
uint32_t wrote_addr
Address of the data written to the OTA partition
wm_ota_header_t ota_header
OTA Header containing metadata about the firmware image
psCrcContext_t crc_ctx
CRC context used for calculating the checksum of the OTA data
uint32_t app_addr
int wm_ota_ops_get_ota_partition(wm_ota_ops_ctx_t *wm_ota_ops_ctx)
Retrieve the partition information for the OTA update.
This function is used to determine the location and size of the OTA (Over-The-Air) partitions before performing an OTA upgrade, and it then stores this information in the OTA operation context structure.
- 参数:
wm_ota_ops_ctx – [in] Pointer to the OTA context structure.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid argument
WM_ERR_FAILED: failed to find the partition
int wm_ota_ops_begin(wm_ota_ops_ctx_t *wm_ota_ops_ctx, size_t image_size)
Begin the OTA update process.
This function is used to initialize the resources and state necessary for OTA (Over-The-Air) updates, which includes erasing the required flash memory areas and preparing to receive new firmware data.
Determine whether a full erase of the OTA partition is necessary based on the image_size value:
0 or OTA_SIZE_UNKNOWN: Perform a full erase of the ‘app_ota’ partition.
OTA_WITH_SEQUENTIAL_WRITES: No need to erase now; the erase will occur during the subsequent write process.
Actual image size: Erase the ‘app_ota’ partition to match the actual size of the image.
- 参数:
wm_ota_ops_ctx – [in] Pointer to the OTA context structure.
image_size – [in] The size of the OTA image in bytes.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid argument
WM_ERR_FAILED: failed to erase the flash
int wm_ota_ops_write(wm_ota_ops_ctx_t *wm_ota_ops_ctx, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t size)
Write data to the OTA partition.
This function is used to write firmware data into the device’s flash memory during the OTA (Over-The-Air) update process, handling necessary sector erasure and performing CRC verification to ensure the integrity and consistency of the data.
- 参数:
wm_ota_ops_ctx – [in] Pointer to the OTA context structure.
data – [in] Pointer to the data buffer to be written.
size – [in] Size of the data buffer in bytes.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid argument
Other error codes based on the underlying flash write operation
int wm_ota_ops_end(wm_ota_ops_ctx_t *wm_ota_ops_ctx)
Finalize the OTA update process and verify the integrity of the written data.
This function is used to complete the final step of the OTA (Over-The-Air) process, with its primary task being to verify the newly written firmware image to ensure its integrity and executability.
- 参数:
wm_ota_ops_ctx – [in] Pointer to the OTA context structure.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid argument
WM_ERR_OTA_CRC_ERROR: CRC error indicating data corruption
int wm_ota_ops_reboot(void)
Reboot the system to apply the OTA update.
This function is used to trigger a system reboot in order to apply an OTA (Over-The-Air) update. It is called in the final stage of the OTA update process, after the new firmware has been successfully written to the device’s flash memory and verified, to restart the device.
- 返回:
Other error codes based on the underlying system reset operation
int wm_ota_ops_abort(wm_ota_ops_ctx_t *wm_ota_ops_ctx)
Abort the OTA update process and clean up the OTA context.
The function is used to terminate the current OTA (Over-The-Air) operation. When an error occurs during the OTA upgrade process or the user wishes to cancel the ongoing upgrade, this function can clear all information in the OTA context structure and reset the OTA status.
- 参数:
wm_ota_ops_ctx – [in] Pointer to the OTA context structure to be cleared.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: invalid argument if wm_ota_ops_ctx is NULL
int wm_ota_ops_get_version(char *version)
Retrieves the version information of the currently running firmware.
This function is used to obtain the version number of the firmware that is currently running on the device. It copies the version string to the provided character array.
- 参数:
version – [out] Pointer to a character array where the current firmware version will be stored.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS: Successfully retrieved the current firmware version.
WM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM: If the provided version pointer is NULL, this error code is returned.