DT 参考
enum wm_device_status_t
device status
enumerator WM_DEV_ST_UNINIT
enumerator WM_DEV_ST_INITING
enumerator WM_DEV_ST_INITED
enumerator WM_DEV_ST_UNKNOWN
enumerator WM_DEV_ST_UNINIT
struct wm_device_t
device structure
Structure of the device entity
wm_device_t *wm_dt_get_device_by_name(const char *device_name)
Get the device.
- 参数:
device_name – [in] device name
- 返回:
NULL : failed
others: succeed
int wm_dt_set_device_table_name(const char *default_name)
Set the device table name.
It must be invoked before any use of wm_dt_get_device_by_name, and will fail if invoked after wm_dt_get_device_by_name.
- 参数:
default_name – [in] device table name
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed
int wm_dt_free_device_by_name(const char *device_name)
Free the device.
- 参数:
device_name – [in] device name
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed
int wm_dt_free_device(wm_device_t *device)
Free the device.
- 参数:
device – [in] device pointer
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed
int wm_dt_free_all_device(void)
Free all devices.
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed
int wm_dt_dump_all_device(void)
dump in the default serial
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed
int wm_dt_auto_init_device(void)
auto init system device
- 返回:
WM_ERR_SUCCESS : succeed
others : failed