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This example connects to the broker URI over using MQTT WSS and as a demonstration subscribes/unsubscribes and sending a message on certain topic. (Please note that the public broker is maintained by the community so may not be always available, for details please see this disclaimer)

PEM certificate for this example could be extracted from an openssl s_client command connecting to In case a host operating system has openssl and sed packages installed, one could execute the following command to download and save the root certificate to a file (Note for Windows users: Both Linux like environment or Windows native packages may be used).

echo "" | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect | sed -n "1,/Root/d; /BEGIN/,/END/p" | openssl x509 -outform PEM >mqtt_eclipseprojects_io.pem

Please note that this is not a general command for downloading a root certificate for an arbitrary host; this command works with as the site provides root certificate in the chain, which then could be extracted with text operation.


  1. A working AP is required.

  2. Configure WiFi SSID and WiFi Password in menuconfig.

  3. Configure the Broker URL in menuconfig.

  4. The PEM certificate is required. It defaults to mian/src/mqtt_eclipseprojects_io.pem, mian/src/mqtt_eclipseprojects_io.crt, mian/src/mqtt_eclipseprojects_io.key.

Building and Flashing

Example Location: examples/network/mqtt/wss

compile, burn, and more, please refer to: Quick Start Guide

Running result

Upon successful execution, it will output the following logs

I/wm_nm_core      [5.488] got ip:
D/wm_nm_core      [5.492] WM_NM_EV post event 4 success
I/mqtt example    [5.996] wifi station start success, network is ready!
D/mqtt            [6.004] uri: wss://
D/mqtt            [6.012] mqtt_config mode: 3
D/mqtt            [6.016] mode: MQTT_AUTH_MODE_MUTUAL_AUTH
D/mqtt            [6.862] ======================================
D/mqtt            [6.868] Trace Output
D/mqtt            [6.872] se Paho Synchronous MQTT C Client Library
D/mqtt            [6.878] se Paho Synchronous MQTT C Client Library
D/mqtt            [6.884] 55
D/mqtt            [6.886] ======================================
D/mqtt            [6.906] connect out: rc=119
D/mqtt            [6.910] wait connect, timeout: 29982
D/mqtt            [7.224] wait end
E/mqtt            [7.228]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 1, timeout 29982, pack 0x0

> Seeding the random number generator...
> Loading the CA root certificate ...
> Loading the client cert. and key...
  ok (key type: RSA)
> Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...
> Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 245, iov_len 245
D/mqtt            [9.730] wait connect, timeout: 27164
D/mqtt            [10.024] wait end
E/mqtt            [10.028]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 1, timeout 27164, pack 0x0
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 33, iov_len 33
D/mqtt            [15.034] wait connect ack, timeout: 21860
D/mqtt            [15.312] wait end
E/mqtt            [15.316]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 2, timeout 21860, pack 0x0
D/mqtt            [20.312] MQTTClient connected!
I/mqtt example    [20.316] mqtt connected
D/mqtt            [20.320] mqtt client publish, topic /topic/qos1
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 29, iov_len 29
D/mqtt            [20.336] mqtt client publish, token: 1
I/mqtt example    [20.342] sent publish successful, msg_id=1
D/mqtt            [20.348] mqtt client subscribe, topic /topic/qos0, qos 0
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 24, iov_len 24
D/mqtt            [20.362] wait sub ack, timeout: 10000
D/mqtt            [20.610] Message with token value 1 delivery confirmed
D/mqtt            [20.886] wait end
E/mqtt            [20.890]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 9, timeout 10000, pack 0x0
I/mqtt example    [20.898] sent subscribe successful, msg_id=2
D/mqtt            [20.906] mqtt client subscribe, topic /topic/qos1, qos 1
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 24, iov_len 24
D/mqtt            [20.922] wait sub ack, timeout: 10000
D/mqtt            [21.194] wait end
E/mqtt            [21.198]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 9, timeout 10000, pack 0x0
I/mqtt example    [21.206] sent subscribe successful, msg_id=3
D/mqtt            [21.212] mqtt client unsubscribe, topic /topic/qos1
SSLSocket_putdatas: mbedtls_ssl_write rc 23, iov_len 23
D/mqtt            [21.228] wait unsub ack, timeout: 10000
D/mqtt            [21.506] wait end
E/mqtt            [21.510]  client W800_29315F, packet_type 11, timeout 10000, pack 0x0
I/mqtt example    [21.518] sent unsubscribe successful, msg_id=4
I/mqtt example    [21.524] mqtt published, msg_id=1