The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.2 version.



After the application starts, perform the following 5 operations:

  1. String reading and writing

  2. Binary data reading and writing

  3. Floating point number reading and writing

  4. 8-bit integer reading and writing

  5. Use iterator to traverse all data


  1. You need to configure COMPONENT_NVS_ENABLED to enable, and the default is enable

  2. There is an nvs partition in the partition table. By default, an nvs partition already exists in the partition table

Building and flashing

Sample location: examples/storage/nvs

For operations such as compiling and burning, please refer to: Quick Start Guide

Running Result

Upon successful execution, the following logs will be output.

[I] (5) main: ver: 2.1.3dev build at Nov  6 2024 14:39:57
[I] (10) main: boot reason 0
[I] (13) main: heap size 272712(266.32KB)
[I] (17) main: flash size 0x200000(2MB)
[I] (20) exam_nvs: NVS example succeeds in running.
[I] (25) exam_nvs: open nvs, group=user err=0
[I] (30) exam_nvs: Read str:123456

[I] (33) exam_nvs: dump [binary]
0x0000   01 02 03 04 05                                    .....
[I] (42) exam_nvs: Read float=1.234500

[I] (46) exam_nvs: Read I8=-120

[I] (49) exam_nvs: Start iterator.
[I] (52) exam_nvs: key_str,len=7
[I] (55) exam_nvs: key_bin,len=5
[I] (58) exam_nvs: key_float,len=8
[I] (61) exam_nvs: key_I8,len=1
[I] (64) exam_nvs: NVS example end.