The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.2 version.

cJSON Demo


After starting this application, perform the following actions:

  1. Create cJSON root node

  2. Add strings, numbers, and other content to the root node

  3. Create a leaf node, add strings, numbers, and other content to the leaf node, and then add the leaf node to the root node after completion

  4. Create leaf nodes, add arrays to leaf nodes, and add leaf nodes to the root node after completion

  5. Add True, NULL and other objects to the root node

  6. Convert the root node into a string and print it

  7. Release the root node

Building and Flashing

Example Location: examples/storage/cjson

For operations such as compiling and burning, please refer to: Quick Start Guide

Running Result

Upon successful execution, the following logs will be output.

I/cjson_example   [0.004] start cJSON demo...
        "Name": "Jack",
        "Age":  28,
        "Weight":       68,
        "Information":  {
                "Company":      "WinnerMicro",
                "Department":   "SoftwareDepartment",
                "Number":       8
        "Score":        [18, 20, 23, 25],
        "IsMan":        true,
        "Other":        null