The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.2 version.



This application is a comprehensive example of the SEG_LCD segmented display function using the WM IoT SDK. It demonstrates how to initialize the SEG_LCD device, perform a series of display operations, including repeatedly displaying all segments and weekdays, and finally clear the display and deinitialize the device.


  1. Segmented Display Requirements:

    • Manufacturer: Shenzhen Genyu Technology Co., Ltd.

    • Model: GY-H70248 (Sample)

    • Can be replaced with any other segmented display

  2. Pin Connections:

Pin Number Connection Description GY-H70248 PIN (Sample)
PB25 COM0 1 and 37
PB21 COM1 2 and 38
PB22 COM2 3 and 39
PB27 COM3 4
PB26 SEG01 5
PB24 SEG02 6
PA7 SEG03 7
PA8 SEG04 8
PA9 SEG05 9
PA10 SEG06 10
PA11 SEG07 11
PA12 SEG08 12
PA13 SEG09 13
PA14 SEG10 14
PA15 SEG11 15
PBO SEG12 16
PB1 SEG13 17
PB2 SEG14 18
PB3 SEG15 19
PB4 SEG16 20
PB5 SEG17 21
PB6 SEG18 22
PB7 SEG19 23
PB8 SEG20 24
PB9 SEG21 25
PB10 SEG22 26
PB11 SEG23 27
PB12 SEG24 28
PB13 SEG25 29
PB14 SEG26 30
PB15 SEG27 31
PB16 SEG28 32
PB17 SEG29 33
PB18 SEG30 34
PA6 SEG31 35

Building and Flashing

Example Location: examples\peripheral\seg_lcd\sample\

For compilation, flashing, and other operations, please refer to: Quick Start Guide

Running Result

The following log is displayed after successful operation

[I] (10) main: ver: 2.2-beta.2 build at Dec 10 2024 09:33:51
[I] (10) main: boot reason 0
[I] (11) main: heap size 272648(266.26KB)
[I] (11) main: flash size 0x200000(2MB)
[I] (13) example: seg_lcd display demo start.
[I] (13) example: Initializing segment LCD device...
[I] (15) example: Starting segment LCD display/clear cycle...
[I] (10131) example: Deinitializing segment LCD device.
[I] (10132) example: This example succeeds in running.