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PWM Output


Upon startup, this application performs the following operations:

  1. Initialize the PWM controller driver.

  2. Bind and initialize GPIO 28 (PB12) for PWM channel 0.

  3. Initialize PWM channel 0 with specific parameters for independent output mode.

  4. Start the independent output of PWM channel 0.

  5. Observe whether the LED is lit.

  6. The PWM will continuously output a waveform with a periodically changing duty cycle, which means the LED light will gradually dim and then become brighter.

Environment Requirements

  1. Demo uses an EVB board

  2. Board with onboard LED bind with the configured GPIO

Compilation and Flashing

Example location: examples/peripheral/pwm

For compilation and flashing instructions, refer to: Quick Start Guide

Running Result

The following log is displayed after successful operation

[D] (0) dt: add device pmu
[D] (0) dt: add device rcc
[D] (0) dt: add device dma
[D] (2) dt: add device gpio
[D] (6) dt: add device iflash
[D] (6) ptb: partition table base 0xe000
[D] (6) ft: ft_0 base 0, ft_1 base 1000
[D] (6) ft: ft init too
[D] (6) ft: ft init 1
[D] (236) main: boot reason 0
[D] (236) main: heap size 273400(266.99KB)
[D] (238) main: flash size 0x200000(2MB)
[D] (318) dt: add device pwm
[I] (318) PWM DRV: pwm channel initialize successfully!
[I] (318) PWM HAL: Find period[199], clkdiv[20] for freq[10000]!
[I] (318) PWM: The pin GPIO[28] will continuously output a PWM waveform with a periodically varying duty cycle.