The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.1 version.



Application demonstrating the BLE Central role. It scan and connect ble peripheral ( BT_UUID_SERVICE exists in advertisement field), then discovery and subscribe BT_UUID_CHAR_INDCIATE or BT_UUID_CHAR_NOTIFY according to menuconfig -> Example configuration -> selectable item central example choice. It also discovery BT_UUID_CHAR_READ_WRITE and perform periodic writting.

#define BT_UUID_SERVICE            0xFFF0
#define BT_UUID_CHAR_NOTIFY        0xFFF3


  • Board A with Bluetooth Low Energy support running this application

  • Board B with Bluetooth Low Energy support running periphal_general application

Building and Running

Example Location:examples/bluetooth/central_general

compile, burn, and more, see:Quick Start Guide

Running Result

  1. Successfully running will output the following logs

[I] (2) main: ver: 2.0.6dev build at Oct 17 2024 17:04:44
[I] (25) bt: Identity: 28:6D:CD:68:D7:99 (public)
[I] (25) bt: HCI: version 4.2 (0x08) revision 0x0709, manufacturer 0x070c
[I] (25) bt: LMP: version 4.2 (0x08) subver 0x0709
[I] (25) central: Bluetooth initialized
[I] (27) central: Scanning successfully started
  1. Wait for development board B to be flashed and run the firmware of the periphal_general example.

  2. After board A find the advertisement information of board B, it performs connect、 exchange MTU、discovery service table and subscribe notification

[I] (5094) central: Device found: 28:6D:CE:11:22:33 (public) (RSSI -59)
[I] (6153) central: Connected: 28:6D:CE:11:22:33 (public)
[I] (6153) central: mtu_exchange: Current MTU = 23
[I] (6153) central: mtu_exchange: Exchange MTU...
[I] (6250) central: mtu_exchange_cb: MTU exchange successful (247)
[I] (6400) central: [ATTRIBUTE] uuid 2803, handle 17
[I] (6401) central: handle 17, prop 0x0a, value_handle 18
[I] (6500) central: [ATTRIBUTE] uuid 2800, handle 16
[I] (6600) central: [ATTRIBUTE] uuid 2803, handle 19
[I] (6700) central: [ATTRIBUTE] uuid 2902, handle 21
[I] (6700) central: [SUBSCRIBED]
  1. Once subscribe successfully finished, board A will receive data packet sent from board B (the data rate is for demonstration purposes only)

[I] (22597) central: rx data rate:244 B/s
[I] (23622) central: rx data rate:4392 B/s
[I] (24622) central: rx data rate:4392 B/s
[I] (25722) central: rx data rate:3904 B/s
[I] (26747) central: rx data rate:4392 B/s
[I] (27747) central: rx data rate:3904 B/s
[I] (28747) central: rx data rate:4636 B/s
[I] (29747) central: rx data rate:4392 B/s


This example need to work together with peripheral_general