The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.1 version.



This example demonstrates the basic functionality of a BLE Central device. Upon running the program, it begins scanning. If a device with a sufficiently strong signal (stronger than -70dBm) is detected, a connection will be established. Immediately after the connection is established, it will be disconnected. Once disconnected, the scanning, connecting, and disconnecting process will be repeated. This cycle will continue indefinitely.


  • A board with BLE support

  • Bluetooth device supporting BLE peripheral functionality

Building and Running

Example Location:examples/bluetooth/central

compile, burn, and more, see:Quick Start Guide

Running Result

  1. Successfully running will output the following logs

[I] (2) main: ver: 2.0.6dev build at Oct 17 2024 16:45:11
[I] (25) bt: Identity: 28:6D:CD:68:D7:99 (public)
[I] (25) bt: HCI: version 4.2 (0x08) revision 0x0709, manufacturer 0x070c
[I] (25) bt: LMP: version 4.2 (0x08) subver 0x0709
[I] (25) central: Bluetooth initialized
[I] (120) central: Device found: 62:A5:CD:FC:CE:BA (random) (RSSI -74)
[I] (176) central: Device found: 28:6D:CE:11:22:33 (public) (RSSI -36)
[I] (934) central: Connected: 28:6D:CE:11:22:33 (public)
[I] (983) central: Disconnected: 28:6D:CE:11:22:33 (public) (reason 0x16)
[I] (1012) central: Device found: 98:B6:73:27:96:71 (public) (RSSI -99)
[I] (1012) central: Device found: 60:DE:F4:62:5D:13 (public) (RSSI -83)
[I] (1012) central: Device found: 68:A1:07:7A:30:93 (random) (RSSI -75)
[I] (1134) central: Device found: C1:29:46:29:00:D8 (public) (RSSI -95)