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Set a static ip address


This example demonstrates how to set the Station mode static IP address.


  1. A working AP is required.

  2. Configure WiFi SSID and WiFi Password in menuconfig.

  3. Configure the Static IP address, Static netmask address, and Static gateway address in the menuconfig.

Building and Flashing

Example Location: examples/network/static_ip

compile, burn, and more, see: Quick Start Guide

Running Result

Upon successful execution, it will output the following logs

I/wm_nm_core      [5.360] got ip:
D/wm_nm_core      [5.366] WM_NM_EV post event 4 success
I/wm_nm_api       [5.370] set ip: succes
I/wm_nm_api       [5.376] set gw: succes
I/wm_nm_api       [5.380] set net mask: succes
D/wifi station    [5.386] set static ip:, netmask:, gw: