The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.2 version.



This application demonstrates the BLE advertising accept filter list feature. If no device is bonded to the peripheral, casual advertising will be performed. The broadcast name is Accept list.

Once a device is bonded, on subsequent boots, connection requests will only be accepted if the central device is on the accept list. Additionally, scan response data will only be sent to devices that are on the accept list. As a result, some BLE central devices (such as Android smartphones) might not display the device in the scan results if the central device is not on the accept list.

This sample also provides two BLE characteristics. To perform a write, devices need to be bonded, while a read can be done immediately after a connection (no bonding required).

Service list



property and permission”

Primary service









  • A board with BLE support running this application

  • nRF Connect APP

Building and Running

Example Location:examples/bluetooth/peripheral_accept_list

compile, burn, and more, see:Quick Start Guide

Running Result

  1. Successfully running will output the following logs

[I] (34) main: ver: 2.0.6dev build at Oct 18 2024 17:29:01
[I] (83) bt: LE SC enabled
[I] (213) bt: No ID address. App must call settings_load()
[I] (213) peripheral_acl: Bluetooth initialized
[I] (215) bt: Identity: 28:6D:CD:68:D7:99 (public)
[I] (215) bt: HCI: version 4.2 (0x08) revision 0x0709, manufacturer 0x070c
[I] (215) bt: LMP: version 4.2 (0x08) subver 0x0709
[I] (232) peripheral_acl: Advertising successfully started
  1. With smart Phone A, run nRF Connect APP, perform scan and connect it after finding Accept list device. Bond procedure will be triggered by writting 0x12345678-0x1234-0x5678-0x1234-0x56789abcdef2 .


3. After successful pairing, the example will automatically restart after a 5 -second wait. The log entry is as follows.

[I] (39111) peripheral_acl: Pairing completed. Rebooting in 5 seconds...
  1. With smart Phone B, perform scan and will find Accept list device, if you connect it on nRF Connect APP, the connection will fail.After using Phone A to run the nRF Connect app again, you can scan for devices on the ** Accept list** . When attempting to connect to one of these devices, it will prompt that the connection is successful.

[I] (24971) peripheral_acl: Connected with 1C:13:86:59:2D:FD (public)