The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.2 version.



The W80x supports four types of symmetric encryption and decryption: RC4, AES, DES, and DES3, which are collectively referred to as the CRYPTO module. AES supports three modes: ECB, CBC, and CTR. DES/3DES supports two modes: ECB and CBC.

Function List

  1. Initialization —— Initialize the crypto driver.

  2. Configure the ctx for the RC4 algorithm —— Configure the secret key and key length in a context ctx.

    Perform RC4 calculation —— Perform an RC4 operation based on the context ctx.

  3. Configure the ctx for the AES algorithm —— Configure the initialization vector (not required for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context.

    Perform AES encryption or decryption —— Perform an AES encryption or decryption operation based on the context ctx.

  4. Configure the ctx for the DES algorithm —— Configure the initialization vector (not required for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context.

    Perform DES encryption or decryption —— Perform an DES encryption or decryption operation based on the context ctx.

  5. Configure the ctx for the 3DES algorithm —— Configure the initialization vector (not required for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context.

    Perform 3DES encryption or decryption —— Perform an 3DES encryption or decryption operation based on the context ctx.

Initialize the CRC Driver

Call wm_drv_cryp_init() , Obtain a pointer to the encryption/decryption module; only with this pointer can you call other cryp-related APIs. Example:

wm_device_t *dev;
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");

The function parameter specifies the device name, which is defined in the device table.

Configure the ctx for RC4

Call wm_drv_rc4_init() , Configure the key and key length in a context. Example:

wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
wm_drv_rc4_init(dev, &ctx, key, RC4_128BIT_KEYLEN);

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the key.

The fourth parameter is: the length of the key in bytes, which must be either 16 or 32.

Perform RC4 calculation

Call wm_drv_rc4_encrypt_decrypt() , Perform an RC4 operation based on the context ctx. Example:

uint8_t *in   = NULL;
uint8_t *out1 = NULL;
uint8_t *out2 = NULL;
uint8_t *key  = NULL;
int i;
wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

/*initialize rng*/
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
if (dev == NULL) {
    wm_log_error("init fail.");

in   = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out1 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out2 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
key  = malloc(16);

if ((in == NULL) || (out1 == NULL) || (out2 == NULL) || (key == NULL)) {
    wm_log_info("malloc err");
    goto OUT;

for (i = 0; i < OP_DATA_BYTES; i++) {
    in[i] = rand();

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();

memset(out1, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
memset(out2, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);

if (wm_drv_rc4_init(dev, &ctx, key, RC4_128BIT_KEYLEN) != WM_ERR_SUCCESS) {
    wm_log_info("rc4 init err");
    goto OUT;
wm_drv_rc4_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, in, out1, OP_DATA_BYTES);
wm_drv_rc4_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, out1, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES);

if (memcmp(in, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES)) {
    wm_log_info("rc4 test fail");
} else {
    wm_log_info("rc4 test success");

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the input data.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the output data.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the input data in bytes, ranging from 1 to 65532.

Configure the ctx for AES

Call wm_drv_aes_init() , Configure the initialization vector (not needed for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context. Example:

wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
wm_drv_aes_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, AES_128BIT_KEYLEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC);

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the initialization vector (this pointer can be NULL when the sub_mode is ECB), with a byte count of 16.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the key.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the key in bytes, which must be 16.

The sixth parameter is: the supported encryption/decryption sub-mode, with 0, 1, and 2 representing ECB, CBC, and CTR, respectively.

Perform AES encryption or decryption

Call wm_drv_aes_encrypt_decrypt() , Perform an AES encryption or decryption based on the context ctx. Example:

uint8_t *in   = NULL;
uint8_t *out1 = NULL;
uint8_t *out2 = NULL;
uint8_t *key  = NULL;
uint8_t *iv   = NULL;
int i;
wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

/*initialize cryp */
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
if (dev == NULL) {
    wm_log_error("init fail.");

in   = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out1 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out2 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
key  = malloc(16);
iv   = malloc(16);

if ((in == NULL) || (out1 == NULL) || (out2 == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL)) {
    wm_log_info("malloc err");
    goto OUT;

for (i = 0; i < OP_DATA_BYTES; i++) {
    in[i] = i;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();

memset(out1, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
memset(out2, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
if (wm_drv_aes_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, AES_128BIT_KEYLEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC) != WM_ERR_SUCCESS) {
    wm_log_info("aes init err");
    goto OUT;
wm_drv_aes_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, in, out1, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_ENCRYPT);
wm_drv_aes_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, out1, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_DECRYPT);
if (memcmp(in, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES)) {
    wm_log_info("aes cbc test fail");
} else {
    wm_log_info("aes cbc test success");

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the input data.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the output data.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the input data in bytes, ranging from 16 to 65520, and must be a multiple of 16.

The sixth parameter is: 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption.

Configure the ctx for DES

Call wm_drv_des_init() , Configure the initialization vector (not needed for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context. Example:

wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
wm_drv_des_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, DES_KEY_LEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC);

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the initialization vector (this pointer can be NULL when the sub_mode is ECB), with a byte count of 8.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the key.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the key in bytes, which must be 8.

The sixth parameter is: the supported encryption/decryption sub-mode, with 0 and 1 representing ECB and CBC, respectively.

Perform DES encryption or decryption

Call wm_drv_des_encrypt_decrypt() , Perform an DES encryption or decryption based on the context ctx. Example:

uint8_t *in   = NULL;
uint8_t *out1 = NULL;
uint8_t *out2 = NULL;
uint8_t *key  = NULL;
uint8_t *iv   = NULL;
int i;
wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

/*initialize cryp */
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
if (dev == NULL) {
    wm_log_error("init fail.");

in   = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out1 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out2 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
key  = malloc(16);
iv   = malloc(16);

if ((in == NULL) || (out1 == NULL) || (out2 == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL)) {
    wm_log_info("malloc err");
    goto OUT;

for (i = 0; i < OP_DATA_BYTES; i++) {
    in[i] = i;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();

memset(out1, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
memset(out2, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
if (wm_drv_des_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, DES_KEY_LEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC) != WM_ERR_SUCCESS) {
    wm_log_info("des init err");
    goto OUT;
wm_drv_des_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, in, out1, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_ENCRYPT);
wm_drv_des_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, out1, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_DECRYPT);
if (memcmp(in, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES)) {
    wm_log_info("des cbc test fail");
} else {
    wm_log_info("des cbc test success");

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the input data.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the output data.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the input data in bytes, ranging from 8 to 65528, and must be a multiple of 8 bytes.

The sixth parameter is: 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption.

Configure the ctx for 3DES

Call wm_drv_3des_init() , Configure the initialization vector (not needed for ECB mode), key, key length, and sub-mode in a context. Example:

wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
wm_drv_3des_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, DES_KEY_LEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC);

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the initialization vector (this pointer can be NULL when the sub_mode is ECB), with a byte count of 8.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the secret key.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the secret key in bytes, which must be 24.

The sixth parameter is: the supported encryption/decryption sub-mode, with 0 and 1 representing ECB and CBC, respectively.

Perform 3DES encryption or decryption

Call wm_drv_3des_encrypt_decrypt() , Perform an 3DES encryption or decryption based on the context ctx. Example:

uint8_t *in   = NULL;
uint8_t *out1 = NULL;
uint8_t *out2 = NULL;
uint8_t *key  = NULL;
uint8_t *iv   = NULL;
int i;
wm_drv_cryp_cfg_t ctx;
wm_device_t *dev;

/*initialize cryp */
dev = wm_drv_cryp_init("crypto");
if (dev == NULL) {
    wm_log_error("init fail.");

in   = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out1 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
out2 = malloc(OP_DATA_BYTES);
key  = malloc(16);
iv   = malloc(16);

if ((in == NULL) || (out1 == NULL) || (out2 == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (iv == NULL)) {
    wm_log_info("malloc err");
    goto OUT;

for (i = 0; i < OP_DATA_BYTES; i++) {
    in[i] = i;

for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    key[i] = rand();
    iv[i]  = rand();

memset(out1, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
memset(out2, 0, OP_DATA_BYTES);
if (wm_drv_3des_init(dev, &ctx, iv, key, DES3_KEY_LEN, WM_GPSEC_CBC) != WM_ERR_SUCCESS) {
    wm_log_info("3des init err");
    goto OUT;
wm_drv_3des_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, in, out1, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_ENCRYPT);
wm_drv_3des_encrypt_decrypt(dev, &ctx, out1, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES, WM_GPSEC_DECRYPT);
if (memcmp(in, out2, OP_DATA_BYTES)) {
    wm_log_info("3des cbc test fail");
} else {
    wm_log_info("3des cbc test success");

The first parameter is: a pointer to the device.

The second parameter is: a pointer to a context.

The third parameter is: a pointer to the input data.

The fourth parameter is: a pointer to the output data.

The fifth parameter is: the length of the input data in bytes, ranging from 8 to 65528, and must be a multiple of 8.

The sixth parameter is: 0 for encryption, 1 for decryption.

Application Demo

To use crypto, please refer to:ref:examples/peripheral/crypto<peripheral_example>

API Reference

For looking up crypto-related APIs, please refer to:

CRYPTO API Reference