The latest development version of this page may be more current than this released 2.3-beta.1 version.

Linux Command-Line Compilation Environment Setup

Download Tools

  • The recommended version of CMake: 3.25.1(version cannot be lower than 3.20), Official Download; Backup Download.

  • The recommended version of Ninja:1.11.1, Official Download; Backup Download.

  • The recommended version of Ccache: 4.7.4(optional) , Official Download; Backup Download.

  • The recommended use of Python: Python 3.8.10 (version not less than 3.8), Official Download ; Backup Download.

  • Toolchain:Official DownloadBackup Download.

    • The approximate name of the toolchain is csky-elfabiv2-tools-*.tar,the toolchains with -mingw- in the name are for Windows, while others are for Linux.

    • Under Linux, some versions of toolchain may depend on ncurses. If you see the prompt “error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” , install libncurses5 (e.g., sudo apt install libncurses5). Other similar issues may need to be resolved by the user.

  • DebugServer (optional): Official Download, Backup Download.
  • Besides downloading from the above addresses, Linux systems often allow installation via built-in package managers. Details are not provided here.

  • If these tools already exist on your system and meet version requirements, you can use them directly without reinstalling.

On Linux systems, it’s recommended to use package managers like aptyumdnf to automatically install the related tools. Here are examples of using the apt command on an Ubuntu system, with specific steps outlined below:

  • Install CMake

sudo apt-get install cmake
  • Instal Ninja

sudo apt-get install ninja-build
  • Instal Ccache

sudo apt-get install ccache
  • Instal Python3

sudo apt-get install python3
  • The toolchain tools still need to be installed manually as mentioned above.

  • Install Python dependency packages

Assuming the WM IoT SDK has been downloaded and named wm_iot_sdk

python -m pip install --user -r /home/wm/wm_iot_sdk/tools/wm/requirements.txt

In addition,the Tkinter module needs to be installed for Python on Linux. For Ubuntu systems, you can use sudo apt-get install python-tk (or sudo apt-get install python3-tk ) to install it.

Set Environment Variables for Tools

If tools are installed by package managers(apt、yum), environment variables might already be set and do not need to be configured again.

  • Add CMake to PATH

export PATH=/home/wm/tools/cmake/bin:$PATH
  • Add Ninja to PATH

export PATH=/home/wm/tools/ninja:$PATH
  • Add Ccache to PATH

export PATH=/home/wm/tools/ccache:$PATH
  • Add Python to PATH

//Under the Linux system, only the source code package is provided, so it needs to be compiled first and then added to the environment variables:
    //Below are the general installation steps for source code on Linux. Due to the openness of the Linux system, users need to resolve any issues encountered on their own.

./configure --prefix=/home/wm/tools/python


make install

export PATH=/home/wm/tools/python:$PATH
  • Add Toolchain to PATH

export PATH=/home/wm/tools/csky-elfabiv2-tools/bin:$PATH
  • Set WM IoT SDK Environment Variable

export WM_IOT_SDK_PATH=/home/wm/wm_iot_sdk
  • Add Tool to PATH

export PATH=$WM_IOT_SDK_PATH/tools/wm:$PATH

The above operations are temporary settings that only take effect in the current environment. To make them permanent, save the environment variables to the ~/.bashrc file.


  • The scripts in the WM IoT SDK require executable permissions. For the obtained WM IoT SDK compressed package, please unzip it in a Linux system. Do not directly copy already unzipped WM IoT SDK files from another system to the Linux system, as this will result in the loss of permission information and prevent normal usage.

  • For users using the Ubuntu system, it is recommended to use Ubuntu 20.04 or later versions.

Switching to the new WM IoT SDK

When you want to switch to a different version of the WM IoT SDK from the one you configured above, you need to run the

export WM_IOT_SDK_PATH=/home/wm/wm_iot_sdk_new
export PATH=$WM_IOT_SDK_PATH/tools/wm:$PATH